More about Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a modern, evidence based, brief form of therapy that takes the best practices from traditional Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Gestalt, Neurolinguistic Programming, Positive Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology and more, and seamlessly combines them in a client centred, solution focused approach.

Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective form of hypnotherapy for anxiety, stress, pain, trauma and limiting beliefs.

Every client is different, so by tailoring each session to the client’s individual outlook, issues, needs and wishes, Cognitive Hypnotherapy provided a bespoke treatment that gets results, fast.

We see this as just another form of conversation, that works within your model of the world.

By coming together to understand the problems that bought you to me, finding out what your solution state is, taking away any blocks that may stand in the way, and taking concrete steps towards that state, Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help you release old, unhelpful thought processes and update them with healthy, positive new ones.

We understand Trance to be an everyday phenomenon. By working with the 90% of your mind that stays below the surface- the unconscious- in a state of Trance, I can help you to let go of those patterns which no longer serve you.

This is, at all times, fully under your control- I don’t require you to be in a ‘deep sleep’ state. Think of it more like daydreaming, or the relaxed state you feel when listening to a guided meditation.

Frequently asked Questions

I’m not suggestible- will it work?

Cognitive Hypnotherapy doesn’t rely on depth of trance to be effective. It instead relies on trust between the client and therapist, and the willingness of the client to change. Cognitive Hypnotherapy absolutely can work if you are not suggestible, as long as you are willing.

I’ve never been hypnotised before- what is it like?

Being in Trance is a normal, everyday occurrence- it just feels like daydreaming, or meditation.

I will act as a guide, and with your permission will help you access memories and feelings that may be under the level of your conscious awareness.

We utilise the fact that Trance is an everyday phenomenon. You may feel relaxed, and a bit sleepy, or you may not feel very different at all.

How long will it take?

Our first session will include a detailed history take. The more I know about you, the better position I am in to effectively help you. The second session will include some personalised interventions aimed at solving your issues. I aim to have you feeling better as soon as possible, and for some people, this will be enough.

Some people will need more. Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a brief therapy, meaning we will aim for good results, quickly. But the progress won’t be rushed or forced.

How do I know that its right for me?

I offer a free 30 minute no obligation consultation. During this time, you can ask whatever questions you need to assess if this is an approach that you want to try. You can then make an informed decision about if Hypnotherapy is right for you.

Will I be in control?

You will always be completely in control of your thoughts and actions. I am never going to ‘make’ you do something that you don’t want to. I will earn your trust before proceeding, ask for your consent first, and check that you are ok throughout. If any of the process feels overwhelming, I have techniques to give you some distance from the memory, so you can feel more detached during the process.

I have memories that I’d rather not think about. What if its upsetting?

Much of the time, our present problems are caused by emotional scars of the past, often from childhood. Revisiting these memories can be painful- but I will never take you back to a difficult time in your life without helping you feel resourced enough to deal with it first, and it will always be with the intention to take the sting out of that memory, to release any pain associated with it.

We can’t change the past- but we can change our relationship to it. Once the emotional ‘thorn’ is taken out, you can grow free of the influence of any previous trauma. Often people report feeling lighter, freer, happier and calmer straight away. Sometimes people need more than one session to dissolve the trauma attached to a memory. Sometimes we will need to use a certain technique more than once, or sometimes combining techniques is more effective.

Does it always work for everyone?

I have had fantastic results using Cognitive Hypnotherapy for anxiety, chronic pain, trauma, stress, depression, phobia, limiting beliefs, addictions and more. I cannot guarantee that this approach will work- but the more invested you are in the process, the greater the capacity for positive change.